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Beheading in New York?

Permalink 02/17/09 20:04, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, Background, In real life, On the web, Strange_News,2933,494785,00.html

Muzzammil Hassan beheads his wife Aasiya Hassan. Aasiya was planning to divorce her husband Muzzammil. Now some in the media are trying to say that this is not a religious thing... hmm... let's dig into the article...

Muzzammil and Aasiya Hassan founded Bridges TV in November 2004 to counter anti-Islam stereotypes, touting the network as the "first-ever full-time home for American Muslims," according to a 2004 press release.n a 1,300-word statement, Islamic Society of North America Vice President Imam Mohammed Hagmagid Ali said the organization was "shocked and saddened" by the killing.

Chesler, who wrote "Are Honor Killings Simply Domestic Violence?" for Middle East Quarterly, said some Muslim men consider divorce a dishonor on their family.

"This is not permitted in their culture," said Chesler, whose study analyzed more than 50 reports of honor killings in North America and Europe. "This is, from a cultural point of view, an honor killing."

Chesler said honor killings typically are Muslim-on-Muslim crimes and largely involve teenage daughters, young women and, to a lesser extent, wives.

But Chesler said the "extremely gruesome nature" of the crime closely matches the characteristics of an honor killing.

OK, now I'm confused. Did Phyllis Chesler just contradicted herself? How can you say that this is not permitted in their culture? I can't think of any other culture where this is happening on a regular basis. This is worse than listening to Rick James on the Dave Chappelle show!

She says that these are usually, "Muslim-on-Muslim" crimes. Forgive me here but are Muslims not a religious group? This is ridiculous! Here is the definition of Muslim from the Websters dictionary:

1 : an adherent of Islam

People trying to protect this religion are loosing the battle if you ask me. Even if the religion - in and of itself is not evil; many of it's followers are. Every time these groups try and reach out to show how "peaceful" Islam is, something like this happens.

For more information check this out... this is not such a strange thing.

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Comment from: Rob [Visitor]
RobI have been taking a History of Spain and interesting enough, when Spain was under Islamic rule from 711 AD to 1492, one of the first things that the muslims did was to allow the Christians and Jews who were already in Spain when they defeated the barbarians was to allow them to freely practice their religion. The barbarians were not so tolerant of the Jews, and many of them had to live in hiding. Interestingly enough, while the muslims thought that holy war was the true way to paradise, they interpreted that differently then, by conquering lands and PREACHING and spreading the teachings of Muhammad, while recognizing free will. Too bad that so many this current generation of muslims failed to get the memo on that one. The one thing that they did in Spain in the middle ages was to impose a religious tax. Basically you were free to practice your religion, but pay a tax if you didn't convert. Consequently, conversion rates were pretty high back then. So in a way, it was a religion of peace, and in a way it still is. I don't find it difficult to believe how so many people get talked into strapping a bomb on themselves; I mean, have you seen the illiteracy rate in some of those places? Of COURSE GOD TOLD YOU TO KILL YOURSELF FOR YOUR RELIGION! DON'T BELIEVE IT? WHY DON'T YOU GO AND READ IT YOURSELF?!?! I wonder what happens after they go through all 72 virgins....what then? After you have a go at them once, they are not virgins anymore. And I would think a virgin is a bit of a dead fish, if you know what I mean. Where do all these virgins come from? And what's THEIR incentive? Burning questions indeed...
02/17/09 @ 20:47
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesYou have a valid point about the virgins. Most of the people over there just believe what they are told without question. Of course if you do question - you are liable to be stoned (not in the modern sense). The brief history lesson also gets to the point I was making. Even if the religion itself is not evil, the majority of it's followers are. The most widely distributed version of the Koran (printed in Saudi Arabia) is the version which supports the killing of non believers, convert or die. Oh and if you convert to a religion other than Islam you must also die. I did a post on my old blog about this... I might post it here as well. You would appreciate it.
02/17/09 @ 22:16
Comment from: Rob [Visitor]
RobYeah, it's all about the translation. I disagree with the majority comment, as it's a few hundred thousand bad apples spoiling the whole bunch. As for that guy, I don't think he should have beheaded her, but a whooping would have been a more honorable thing than divorce. Back to the Spanish thing, when the catholic monarchs succeeded in expelling the muslim rulers from Spain in 1492, what came next came to be known as the Spanish Inquisition. Now most historians will agree that it was the most thorough and complete religious persecution since the crusades. The gist of it was this: the new King and Queen are catholic; do you accept Jesus as your lord and savior and recognize roman catholicism as the one and only true religion? Yes, alright brother, see you in Mass on Sunday, don't forget to bring your tithe! No? Well, you have to go see those burly looking men and go to the, I mean religious re-education camp. Those sent away were generally either quick to give up their heathen jewish or muslim way or were never seen or heard from again.
As for me, I have observed enough history to know that religion is the single undisputed heavyweight champion of the world when it comes to killing human beings. AIDS? Blah! Black Plague? Puh-lease. Religion, how many wars have been fought over it? It's all a form of mind-control to keep people huddled up like sheep so they can be led to the shearing or slaughterhouse. So yeah, they are a bunch of sheep over there. I should start sporting my "72 Virgins Dating Service: Hooking You Up Since 2001" T-shirt I wore in Asscrackastan. It was under my 80+ pounds of armor and weapons, though.
02/17/09 @ 22:44
Comment from: CopperheadLXXIX [Visitor]
CopperheadLXXIXAnother blog I read "The Jawa Report" spends most of its posts on terrorism, and doesn't shy away from some of the more graphic stuff. They recently posted a Jihadi video of (what else) a beheading. What was the poor man's crime? He converted to Christianity.
I don't have a weak stomach, but it's difficult to watch the unedited versions of these videos. I find it hard to comprehend how someone could be so evil-and I don't use that word lightly-to saw off the head of another human being who is completely helpless. It's undoubtedly one of the most gruesome ways to turn out the lights, and is not a quick end because generally the executioner uses a rather small and dull blade, as opposed to a sword or axe that would end it in one clean strike.
Islamic Terrorists, which I guess in this day and age is a bit redundant, are humans only in a biological sense. They have no souls, no humanity, and that includes monsters like Muzzammil Hassan.
02/18/09 @ 03:54
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesRob: It's less about the translation. As you said earlier there are few of these people who can read on their own...
02/18/09 @ 17:40

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