Category: Politics
Egypt and The Middle East

! UPDATE ! Muslim Brotherhood says, "Essam Sharaf has a 'good reputation'..." Essam Sharaf is Egypt's new prime minister.
! UPDATE ! Muslim Brotherhood Plans to Spawn Political Party in Egypt
For those of you who are not very familiar with the mi… more »
Obama-Care Plain and Simple...

UPDATE: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) found to be unconstitutional by Florida Federal Judge.
Click here to see a copy of Judge Roger Vinson's ruling.
Obama's entire premise for health care reform, as stated by him, wa… more »
State of The Union Address 2011

I want everyone to pay very close attention to the use of the words "invest" and "spend". I went over this two years ago, take a peek...
Here are some of the examples of Obama’s use of the word SPEND.
But given the problems that th… more »
Is Mark Udall Really The Next Mr. Rogers?

This is another transparent attempt to confuse people.
Traditionally, Democrats and Republicans sit on opposite sides of the House Chamber for the speech, but this past week, Colorado's Sen. Mark Udall suggested the parties integrate the seating.… more »
All This Talk of Civility Makes Me Angry

There are many on the left who are using the Tucson shooting as an opening to debate civility in political discourse. The only problem is that there is no political connection to the shooting. Jared Loughner is obviously mentally ill, he didn’t' commit… more »