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What's Happening in Wisconsin is Just The Beginning

Permalink 02/25/11 12:15, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Health Care, U.S. Economy

The Governor of Wisconsin is attempting to do what is necessary to sustain the jobs of the union workers who are protesting him. The state of Wisconsin is spending more money than it takes in. But that's not the whole story...

It seems that unions give rather large donations to democrat candidates... story from October of 2010.

The largest labor union representing government workers has poured more money into the 2010 elections than any other outside group, providing a boon to Democratic candidates. And much of that money comes straight from taxpayers, critics allege.

Despite representing just 5 percent of the nation’s workforce, the 1.6 million-member American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) has contributed an astounding $87.5 million to help Democrats in hotly contested midterm races, according to campaign records.

This amount doesn't really mean anything unless it is compared to another amount right?

Although Democrats have been critical of Republican fundraising efforts, AFSCME has outspent both the United States Chamber of Commerce and Karl Rove’s American Crossroads Political Action Committee. Those GOP-centric groups have contributed $75 million and $65 million, respectively, ranking them second and third on this year’s donor list, according to the Journal.

Wait a minute here; I thought republicans were raking in all the campaign contributions!?

So far this campaign season, AFSCME, the National Education Association teachers union, and the Service Employees International Union (the second-largest public employee union) have given a combined $172 million to candidates.

The interesting thing here is that these "Public Employees" are funded by the TAXPAYERS. Another little tid-bit you might find interesting. In most states Union Dues are not taxed. In Florida there is a battle brewing over this right now.

Sen. John Thrasher, former state GOP chairman, looks like he has filed a bill (SB830) to starve unions like the Florida Education Association, SEIU, AFL-CIO, firefighters, police unions or AFSCME by banning the Democratic-leaning organizations from using salary deductions for political purposes. The legislation also says any "public employer may not deduct or collect" union dues, etc. Lastly, it says that any public employee who didn't specifically authorize the use of his money could be entitled to a partial refund.

They failed to mention in the above article that this ONLY applies to Public Sector Unions NOT Private Sector Unions.

I like how union bosses are all about "worker's rights" but when it comes to how their dues will be used politically the rank and file union members have no say. The union members have rights, just not those rights.

There is an obvious pattern here by which the taxpayers and even some union members are being misrepresented. Tax payer money is being funneled to the democrat party through Public Employee Unions. Is that legal? Yes. Should it be? I'll let you decide.

Next time you hear someone claiming "worker's rights" think about where that person's dues end up. It is no secret why democrat politicians are so, Pro Public Union.

I wonder if the democrats would support a bill that would allow for Active Military Personnel to have campaign contributions deducted from their pay before taxes?

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