Category: Politics
Obama, NATO, United Nations, Libya --Who's on First?

I wonder if the anyone in the White House can tell us what's going on? I know one thing, they don't want to call it a war.
In the last few days, Obama administration officials have frequently faced the question: Is the fighting in Libya a war? Fro… more »
Obama Takes a Strong Position on Foreign Policy While Remaining on Both Sides of Each Issue

Obama has said, "It's time for Qaddafi to go." The only problem is that UN resolution 1973 (the resolution that covers this current military operation) "does not explicitly call for the removal of Col Muammar Gaddafi".
Adm. Mike Mullen: U.S. Mission I… more »
Why Can't We Stop Muammar Gaddafi?

If Libya is really causing oil prices to rise, why are we not doing something about it? All of the Sunday Morning talk shows are abuzz with people talking of how an increase in the price of oil could hurt our chances of recovery, as if we didn't know. I… more »
What's Happening in Wisconsin is Just The Beginning

The Governor of Wisconsin is attempting to do what is necessary to sustain the jobs of the union workers who are protesting him. The state of Wisconsin is spending more money than it takes in. But that's not the whole story...
It seems that unions gi… more »
Things Here in The U.S. Are About to Get Very Expensive Very Soon, Part 1

I chronicled this some time back. Since my last post on global currency issues; more »