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Will the long knives come out for Jill Biden?

Permalink 07/01/24 18:11, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, History, Politics, U.S. Economy, Elections

Voter confidence in Joe Biden has gone down sharply following this first debate. Those numbers are reflected in a recent CBS – YouGov poll.

These are two of the most important issues as it relates to the presidency (at least as far as I’m concerned). Which candidate will positively effect your finances (which indirectly relates to freedom) and which candidate even makes sense?

Do you think that you’ll be in a better financial situation under this candidate? This is the #1 most important question – to most people out there.

Does the candidate even make sense. Do they understand what they are talking about, or just regurgitating stuff they’ve heard before? If a candidate can’t get the point across in a friendly debate, how are they going to push back against their advisors? More importantly, do they even understand what they are talking about?

Another important question is, “Does the candidate have a strong dislike for the American people?” We know that the “elites” within the Democrat Party don’t like average American citizens. They don’t like “smelly Walmart shoppers” or "[a] basket of deplorables" as Hillary Clinton so aptly put it.

I had to correct that last part. It was Peter Strzok (Peter Struck/Stroke) who said, “Just went to a Southern Virginia Walmart. I could smell the Trump support.”

It was Hillary Clinton who said, "You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? [Laughter/applause]. The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric. Now some of those folks, they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America.

Biden is likely on the way out

Because of Biden’s poor debate performance. His potential as a serious candidate is being questioned by pretty much everyone. There are many big democrat donors that want Biden out. After all, you can’t buy influence through someone – who has no influence.

Still there are many within the Biden camp, who want Joe to stay in. They are pushing to have him keep moving forward with the campaign.

But there’s another side to this issue, a side that I don’t think many have considered.

Those who want Biden out are setting things up to use Jill to take down Joe. They’ll blame Jill for everything. She somehow “shielded” Joe from everyone, so they couldn’t witness his cognitive decline – even though we all saw it from day one – even before day one.

Remember Biden was known for his “gaffs” during the Obama administration. He was ‘Ole Uncle Joe. The uncle that you just don’t talk about at “the family barbecue.” Joe Biden’s cognitive decline was never in question amongst people paying attention – it was always noticeable.

They have simply lied too long to back out now. Letting it be known that Biden was never capable of running the show – even before 2020 – will void the last bit of enthusiastic support that the Democrat/Biden voters might have had for any potential candidate.

They’re going after Jill?

The Democrat leadership has to be careful in their criticism of Jill Biden – because she’s the first modern female president. I only make the distinction of “modern” because Woodrow Wilson’s wife was considered to be running the country for a while after his stroke.

You heard that right, Jill Biden is the first female president.

Once it’s more widely known that Joe Biden hasn’t “been all there” mentally for the entirety of his time in office, people will want to know, “Who’s been running the show?”

But this is a game of political chicken. It all hinges on whether or not they boot Biden at the DNC convention – and more importantly, if they choose a woman as his replacement!

If they go too hard after Jill Biden, it will reflect badly if they chose a female candidate. After all, Jill Biden really screwed things up without Joe Biden’s wit and insight, right?

Who will the DNC pick?

I think this question will be answered by how they treat Jill Biden. If they do go after her, they’re going to pick Gavin Newsom, or some no-name dude.

If they allow things to play out in a more “natural seeming way” they might pick Hillary Clinton as their candidate. She still claims that the Russians are the reason that she lost in 2016.

Keep in mind, the Democrats don’t expect to win the presidency, that ship has sailed. You have to imagine everything going down, as if the MSM narrative is believed by everyone. That’s how the Deep State/Permanent Government operates. That’s why so much of this is confusing to people who are paying attention – because it doesn’t really make sense.

The narrative is that Biden has been keeping tight control of the government, and is making all the big decisions. The reality is Biden was never really president. He was just paraded around, while his advisors ran the show.

My take on it all

I believe this all makes for good theater really. From what I can surmise, the outcome of the 2024 presidential election won’t matter as much as we would like it to. I’ll explain why.

It seems likely that Trump will win in a landslide, regardless of who the Democrats put up as their nominee. That being the case, I believe that the Democrats are going to “make sure” that they keep, or take more senate seats, effectively neutering Trump.

Trump won’t be able to remove Deep State/Permanent Government actors – without the help of the senate. Keep in mind Republicans couldn’t manage to oust Alejandro Mayorkas, who is arguably the worst Homeland Security Secretary.

Meaningful (pro-American) legislation will never make it past the senate – for Trump’s entire second term. That leaves only executive orders as a means to get things done for the American people.

Trump’s second term will likely be a continuance of “exposing the crooked system as a whole.” Don’t expect things to be fixed – that’s up to us now.

Everything has to keep working its way from the ground up. That’s the only way this country gets back on track. It can be fixed from the top. The unelected bureaucrat class is too well protected, and congress has abdicated too much of their power to rein it in. Everything falls back on the American people. This involves fixing things at the local level, then pushing uphill.

What do you think?

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