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COVID-19 - Wuhan Lab - and What's Next? Nipah, That's What's Next!

Permalink 08/09/22 22:29, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, Politics, Strange_News

Things are about to get a lot worse if this is accurate. We know that the other issues we've had with COVID were not nearly as bad as they were made out to be. But this could be a different situation.

China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, where the COVID-19 pandemic may have started, conducted work on a deadlier virus with a 60% lethality rate, according to recent Senate testimony.

Steven Quay, a medical doctor, told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee on emerging threats that the Wuhan institute carried out synthetic biology research on the Nipah virus genome in December 2019, around the time the first COVID-19 cases surfaced in Wuhan. Scientists are divided over whether the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 emerged naturally through animals or can be traced to a leak or accident at the Wuhan facility.

“The Nipah virus was in an infectious clone format,” Dr. Quay testified. “Nipah is a BSL-4 level pathogen and a CDC-designated bioterrorism agent. This is the most dangerous gain-of-function research I have ever encountered. We should assume this research continues to this day at the WIV.”

If confirmed, China’s research on Nipah could violate the Biological Weapons Convention, which Beijing has signed, that prohibits work on agents that can be used as bioweapons.

Nipah is smaller than the virus behind COVID-19, known as SARS-CoV-2, and is less transmissible.

“But it is one of the deadliest viruses, with a 60% lethality,” said Dr. Quay, chief executive officer of Atossa Therapeutics, a Seattle-based pharmaceutical company.

“This is 60 times deadlier than SARS-2,” he said, using the shortened term for the virus behind COVID-19. “The lab where the human specimens were processed is not the highest-level biosafety lab, BSL-4, but was in the BSL-2 or -3 facility.”

Dr. Quay said he did not know why Chinese researchers were working on the Nipah virus, “but a laboratory-acquired infection with a modified Nipah virus would make the COVID-19 pandemic look like a walk in the park.”

Unlike SARS-CoV-2, Nipah is unable to spread in the air. Still, if the research produced an aerosolized version of the virus, it could cause a deadlier pandemic, Dr. Quay testified.

A Black Death parallel?

In an interview, Dr. Quay said he discovered the Wuhan study on Nipah in Chinese research data mistakenly posted on GenBank, a U.S.-based repository for DNA sequencing information. Mr. Quay said the danger in China’s work on Nipah is that it could become aerosolized and cause mass death.

“The Black Plague in Europe was a 20% lethal event, and it set society back 250 years,” he said. A Nipah pandemic would “set us back over a millennium, in my estimate.”

That's definitely not a good thing. Then there's this story.

A new type of animal-derived Henipavirus (also named Langya henipavirus, LayV) that can infect humans has been found in East China's Shandong Province and Central China's Henan Province, and has so far infected 35 people in the two provinces, according to an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) by scientists from China and Singapore.

Henipavirus is one of the important emerging causes of zoonosis in the Asia-Pacific region, Shanghai-based media reported, noting that both Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus (NiV) from this genus are known to infect humans with fruit bats as the natural host of both viruses.

Henipavirus can cause severe disease in animals and humans and are classified as biosafety Level 4 viruses with case fatality rates between 40-75 percent, according to the data from World Health Organization (WHO), highlighting that this is much higher than the fatality rate of the coronavirus.

However, there is currently no vaccine or treatment for Henipavirus and the only treatment is supportive care to manage complications.

The cases of Langya henipavirus so far have not been fatal or very serious, so there is no need for panic, said Wang Linfa, a Professor in the Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases at Duke-NUS Medical School who was involved in the study, adding that it is still a cause for alert as many viruses that exist in nature have unpredictable results when they infect humans.

When it comes to viral outbreaks I don't think that anyone can consider coincidence at this point.

It's obvious, we now have the first ever global outbreak of Monkeypox. Wikipedia states, "Monkeypox was first identified as a distinct illness in 1958." So why is there an outbreak now -- after 64 years (at the time of this writing)? Monkeypox isn't particularly new, and is less transmissible than Smallpox, why would it be able to infect people on a global basis, when it never has in the past? There are many theories as to why this might happen, but there are really only two that are feasible.

1. The vaccines have caused people to have weakened, or wrongly tuned immune systems.

2. The virus was purposely spread. Either by a government, or some other directed initiative.

At any rate, intentional human intervention is required for these types of viruses to spread on a global scale, otherwise we would have seen this in years past.

So let's all listen to Fauci, the CDC, and the FDA and follow instructions... (sarc.)

Something's not right...

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Comment from: Stegiel [Visitor] Email
StegielYour research points to the continuity of the Breakaway Civilization.
In other words, after Blake, there is a whole class of men whose whole delight is in destroying. These men are transnational but the centers are in the West, New York, London, etc. The Globalist impulse arises from the need of the British Empire graft pyramid to survive. Elites therefore promote a civilization for the base and for the elite. Elites use Technique and become the Technique they use. A great simplification is Right Brain and Left Brain. The Right brain is the ground for the Left. The Left brain interprets existence from grounds created by the Right brain. By way again of great simplification the direction of elites in the West is oriented to the Parousia. However the Left brain ideologies of our hour interpret the Second Coming in an entirely secular way-entirely Left brain-and so create Utopian disaster thinking humanity Left brain ideology has the only answer. So coupling a baseline Christian utopia to corporate profits arises in a Schizophrenic post-modern population. Planned extermination is then mercy killing.
09/17/23 @ 18:06
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesStegiel,

I've heard similar theories about the way that the Nazis felt with regards the people they were killing in camps. They were led to believe that the people they were killing were like animals. They were less than human, or subhuman. Once the prisoners were sufficiently dehumanized, the people killing them felt like they were mercy killing.

They believed that they were "putting them down" not murdering them. Because those people were never going to survive anyway, they were suffering, or would suffer under the "new global system."

However, I don't know that the same sentiment is at play as you describe it, at least not this time around. The people who will be perpetuating the killing won't necessarily know that they are doing it. They are just cogs in a machine. The people at the top know what's going on, but the people carrying out the orders most likely do not know what they are doing, and won't -- until it's too late.

This entire ordeal is much more subversive than it was with the Nazis. Those who are planning to cull the population don't want those being culled knowing it. Probably because it's not just a people group this time around. It's not Genocide in the traditional sense, because it's not limited to one geographic location, or a particular race or nationality of people.

We can only hope that more people will catch on in time.
09/18/23 @ 10:56

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