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Was A Bioweapon Already Released in Ukraine -- Prior to The Russian Invasion?

Permalink 03/10/22 20:35, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Strange_News

The media have been parroting that the biolabs in Ukraine were "misinformation," but now we know that they are real. Not only that, officials within the US government are "...quite concerned that the 'reasearch materials' might fall into the hands of Russian forces."

Here is Victoria Nuland (Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs) to tell you about the secret biolabs in Ukraine.

If you listen ahead to Rubio's next question he asks, "If there's a biological or chemical weapons incident or attack inside Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that it would be 100% the Russians that would be behind it?" to which Nuland replies, "There is no doubt in my mind senator. It's classic Russian technique..."

Really, so the Russians are so good that they can get the US to fund biolabs in Ukraine, so that they can then go in and release bioweapons -- right on their own border?

The whole thing is absurd. But what's more absurd, is trying to explain it away in this manner.

Now there's this from the (World Health Organization) the W.H.O.

WHO health emergencies director Dr. Mike Ryan: "The conditions we see in Ukraine are the worst possible ingredients for the amplification and the spread of infectious disease.”

An outbreak is "one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse,” he added.

Who talks like this? Who claims that they are more worried about the spread of disease in Ukraine than bombs and bullets -- when there's a war going on? This is an odd thing to say.

But that's what makes me ask the question. Maybe WHO health emergencies director Dr. Mike Ryan knows something that we don't, and I have to put it out there. Considering that the US knew far ahead of time that Russia was going to invade Ukraine, why didn't they move the biological materials -- that they are so worried about? Why would you leave them there -- unless you want something to "happen" to them?

Now that we know that COVID came from a lab in Wuhan China, why then wouldn't we assume that the next pandemic will come from Ukraine, where the US government is funding more "secret" biolabs? And, why then wouldn't we assume this is the desired outcome? After all, they failed to secure the materials before a predicted invasion.

To attempt to game this to the next level, is it possible that the one of the labs in the Ukraine already released something? Pay very close attention to the timeline of events.

Russia invaded Ukraine on the 24th February, about 5 am. As of this writing, it's been (14) days since Russia invaded Ukraine. It could take a month or so before enough people would become infected with a virus and show symptoms -- before anyone could catch on. We need to keep our eyes peeled because when you have people at the W.H.O. talking about, "one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse," you might want to keep your eyes peeled.

Regardless of what happens, the US has already set the stage to blame any possible "outbreak" on the Russians.

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