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Trump IS Going to Be The "Fall Guy" for The Failed Vaccines - Trump Might Become The Vaccine "Colt Seavers"

Permalink 11/11/21 01:37, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Strange_News, Elections

Trump might have set himself up as the vaccine Colt Seavers. Consider this scenario:

Trump has still not come out against the vaccines. This is a big mistake on his part, because I think his political opponents have planned on his ego working against him.

Trump pushed Operation Warp Speed, and touted the "major success" of the program. He paraded it around for quite some time. This is going to be his downfall I believe.

Bill Gates has now come out and said that the vaccines essentially aren't working.

Bill Gates from the Twitter video referenced:

...economic damage, uhh... oh... you know, the deaths, it's been completely horrific. And, I would expect that will lead the R&D budgets to be focused on things we didn’t have today, we didn’t have vaccines that blocked transmission. We got vaccines that help you with your health but they only slightly reduce the transmissions. We need a new… a new way of doing the vaccines.

Why would Gates do that, when he's Mr. Vaccine? "A new way of doing the vaccines" doesn't sound like the current ones are doing much, if anything.

The answer is simple. Gates will claim that if they had more time to perfect the vaccines, they would have worked better. When this happens, the media will start releasing all of the vaccine injury data --that they are currently hiding. None of the vaccine injury data has been reported in the mainstream media. The mainstream media are not allowed to talk about vaccine injuries, just like they are not allowed to talk about election fraud, or George Soros. Ask Newt Gingrich. Mention it on Twitter and see how quickly you are banned.

Might the media pin the vaccine injuries on Trump, and Operation Warp Speed? The media and "experts" will claim that because the vaccines were rushed, all of the newly reported injuries are a result. Why else would Twitter and YouTube not ban the video of Bill Gates admitting to the failures of the vaccines?

Also, consider Fauci. He was in with Trump from the beginning, also pushing for vaccines. Fauci has been proven to be a liar. Rand Paul has made this public record. The Disney Fauci movie was a flop and received horrible ratings. Fauci is not well received. Fauci is expendable, they might just throw him in there too, try and tie him to Trump. It wouldn't be hard for the media to pull that off.

Update: 03/10/24

Trump bragged about the vaccines during the 2024 State of The Union Show.

This is not good for anyone who was looking for Trump to “fix” things, but consider this.

In some sense Trump is now the first truly "post-political" symbol in modern America.

Does anyone believe that it was not on purpose?

The way that those on the left have targeted Trump is so over-the-top, that this was always going to be the outcome. They went FULL banana republic on Trump.

Then consider; Twitter/X is still censoring, but they are going to “allow” Tucker to interview Trump — unencumbered, then Putin! Why?

None of this makes any sense. Unless the Deep State/Permanent Government, by playing both sides of the board — will get what they want no matter who is elected.

That’s not to say that Trump is compromised, but it’s not say that he isn’t either.

At this point things appear all over the place, but what if that is the point?

Could it be that Trump is being installed this time?

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