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The Great Distraction Reset - Part Two! (Who Owns The World)

Permalink 10/31/21 00:37, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, Politics, Illegal Immigration, Strange_News, U.S. Economy, Elections

When it comes to explaining what's going on world-wide, this is probably the best video I've seen so far. Tim Gielen does an excellent job of explaining the connections that allow these strange things to happen happen --all over the world.

Please show this to as many people as you can. It is critical that people understand what is coming, if things keep going the way that they are. MONOPOLY - Who Owns The World, is a very eye opening video.

Couple the Tim Gielen video with this article. This article references this EU document authored IN 2018 --BEFORE THE PANDEMIC. They were working on the idea of vaccine passports BEFORE THE PANDEMIC! For what possible reason?

Brussels, 26 April 2018
COM(2018) 245/2

PILLAR I – Tackling vaccine hesitancy and improving vaccination coverage

Key challenges

Vaccine hesitancy and its impact on immunisation programmes are a growing concern in Europe and worldwide. In Europe, safety-related concerns are a key determinant of hesitancy14 for both members of the public and healthcare professionals15. This is despite the fact that vaccines in the EU undergo rigorous testing both pre- and post- licensure, in line with Directive 2001/83/EC16 and Regulation
(EU) No.726/200417. The decrease in certain diseases incidence together with action undertaken by anti-vaccination activists, have led to a shift of focus from the dangers, and even risk of death, posed by unseen diseases towards fear of unproven side events. In addition, the rapid spread of disinformation, understood as verifiably false or misleading information, through online media make sifting science facts from unfounded claims a real challenge for those seeking trustworthy information on vaccines.

Vaccine hesitancy is highly specific to the context, country, and type of vaccine, and the public perception of a given vaccine can change rapidly. This means that there is no one-size-fit-all solution, and a sustainable investment in improving dialogue with citizens, understanding their concerns, and developing tailored intervention strategies is required.

Healthcare workers are especially important, as they remain, rightly, the most trusted source of information for patients. They are best placed to understand hesitant patients, respond to worries, and explain the benefits of vaccination. However, healthcare workers themselves can be vaccine-hesitant, whether considering vaccination for themselves or their patients. Continuous training of all healthcare workers during their studies and once in professional practice is a priority in order to build a confident healthcare workforce that can advise the public on vaccination needs and deliver immunisation effectively.


Develop a common EU citizens vaccination card retrievable through electronic information systems and recognised for use across borders, in view of standardising the reporting on immunisation history;

Now you know why they are going to allow minimal exemptions for healthcare workers. The reasoning for this is simple. They don't want healthcare workers who aren't vaccinated --telling people why they aren't vaccinated. This is the single reason why they are allowing large numbers of healthcare workers leave the industry, or be fired, in an industry that is always short staffed. And, during a pandemic of epic proportions, if we are to believe health officials. Another thing to consider, they are not allowing exemptions for people who have been tested for antibodies and have natural immunity. Why? If this is truly about public safety, why not allow antibody testing for those who work in the healthcare industry? They claim that they are short staffed in this industry already, why reduce staff in the middle of a pandemic? The answer, again, they don't want unvaccinated people telling patients why they are not vaccinated!

Why is everything about vaccines now? Health officials are no longer talking about deaths, they are even talking less about cases, because the number of people who have been vaccinated and testing positive, is becoming an issue. Everything is structured specifically to increase the number of people who submit to vaccination. Public health has never been the goal, mass vaccination has been the goal. Why? Since when have the world's governments actually come together for the good of the people? I don't ask that question sarcastically, I'm asking it with all seriousness.

Christine Anderson is brilliant! If this doesn't wake people up, then I don't know what will. You had Fauci spouting off about the possibility of an upcoming pandemic during Trump's time in office. Here you have the EU talking about the need for a vaccine card database in 2018.

In my previous post you saw the United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury stating, "...We face an economy that's in transition. And as far as that transition we are seeing high prices for some of the things that people have to buy. But, the reality is that the only way we're going to get to this place where we work through this transition is when everyone in America, and everyone around the world gets vaccinated. That's why the president continues to be focused on the idea that we get everyone we can vaccinated in this country."

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