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What's Missing From The Public Debate, BLM and Marxism?

Permalink 06/21/21 20:56, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Elections

There are many things missing from the public debate. With BLM, Antifa, Critical Race Theory, and any "intersectional social justice movement" there's one very important aspect that is often overlooked. That one particular question that's missing, to me one of the most important questions to ask. How are these "movements" supposed to help, or fix what they claim is a problem in society?

Take BLM for example, they used to have their version of a mission statement on their website. Take a look at what they propose.

It reads, "We this and we that." Notice there's never any mention of how these beliefs are to manifest themselves? BLM says, "Here's a big list of what we believe, but we never get into what we're going to do." BLM says, "We believe 'stuff,' so get in the streets to let people know what you believe!"

It's like a cleaning company that raises awareness of dust. There's lots of dust out there, we should do something about it! Of course, they never talk about step (1). "There's dust" that's it. That's the depth of their argument in total.

Police and oppressors are the problem. We need to get rid of them. Then what? You know, if you ask that question you might be labeled as a racist. Logic and reason are weapons of the oppressor. Kind of like racist math with all of it's absolutes.

Is Seattle really teaching that "math is racist"? Why did parents start to see ideas for math lessons that go far beyond numbers and into questions of identity?

In math, lessons are more theoretical. Seattle's recently released proposal includes questions like, "Where does Power and Oppression show up in our math experiences?" and "How is math manipulated to allow inequality and oppression to persist?"

It's not that the formulas and equations taught in current math classes are racist, Castro-Gill said it's about how they're used in daily life.

"Nowhere in this document says that math is inherently racist," she said. "It's how math is used as a tool for oppression."

One example teachers might mention in an ethnic studies math class, she said, is how black voters in the South were given literacy and numeracy tests before they could cast their ballot. Another might be a lesson on ratios that discusses gaps in incarceration rates and how the weight of a type of drug determines the length of a sentence.

"The numbers are objective," she said, "but how we use it is not objective."

This is the same logic that gun control activists use. Guns are bad because people do bad things with them. Math is bad because people do bad things with it. What's the difference? Both arguments ignore the fact that the object(s) in question are inanimate!

There is no logic in either argument. To believe that math is racist, or used as an oppressive tool, is nonsense. These paradoxical beliefs require you to willfully ignore reality.

There is one author that pretty much sums up the issue quite nicely, British author Douglas Murray.

According to Murray, who is gay, one of the “central conundrums” of our time is expressed by people with marginalized identities: You must understand me. You will never understand me.

Murray dubbed these moral strictures as “paradoxical, impossible demands.”

“The inherent willingness to rush towards contradiction” is “not enough to stop this new religion of social justice,” Murray wrote. One reason “why contradiction is not enough is because nothing about the intersectional, social justice movement suggests that it is really interested in solving any of the problems that it claims to be interested in.”

That left Murray with only one possible conclusion: “Their desire is not to heal but to divide, not to placate but to inflame, not to dampen but to burn.”

Douglas Murray nailed it! He pointed out the exact same thing that I've been looking at. Where does any of this lead? It leads nowhere is the best answer. It leads to societal collapse. All of the "intersectional social justice movements" are designed to remove existing power structures, but that's it, that's as far as they go. It's a tool of "revolutionaries" to destabilize a civilization, so that they can take control. That's it. It's no more complicated than that.

What people MUST understand is that there is no reasoning with people who have fallen prey to these belief systems. There is absolutely no point in arguing with people involved with intersectional social justice movements. Those who actually believe that these movements will result in a better society has proven, through their belief, that they lack the ability reason.

That's not to say that violence is the answer. But these types of ideologies CAN NOT be allowed to fester in a society. Intersectional social justice movements are all Marxist in origin and designed to destroy whatever society their followers inhabit.

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