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Nothing to See Here CISA Says Elections Are The Most Secure EVER!

Permalink 11/13/20 10:52, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, Politics, Elections

I've often said that anything which comes out and says "trust me" is usually not good. It's like "America's Favorite Cookie," or "Quality Tools." If it says, "Quality" on the box, it's safe to assume that there's probably a cheap knock off inside.

This brings me to my next point. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released a statement about the integrity of the elections and the voting machines used in the election.

WASHINGTON – The members of Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky, U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chair Benjamin Hovland, National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) President Maggie Toulouse Oliver, National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) President Lori Augino, and Escambia County (Florida) Supervisor of Elections David Stafford – and the members of the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC) – Chair Brian Hancock (Unisyn Voting Solutions), Vice Chair Sam Derheimer (Hart InterCivic), Chris Wlaschin (Election Systems & Software), Ericka Haas (Electronic Registration Information Center), and Maria Bianchi (Democracy Works) - released the following statement:

"The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result.

"When states have close elections, many will recount ballots. All of the states with close results in the 2020 presidential race have paper records of each vote, allowing the ability to go back and count each ballot if necessary. This is an added benefit for security and resilience. This process allows for the identification and correction of any mistakes or errors. There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.

"Other security measures like pre-election testing, state certification of voting equipment, and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) certification of voting equipment help to build additional confidence in the voting systems used in 2020.

"While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections, and you should too. When you have questions, turn to elections officials as trusted voices as they administer elections."

There are already a few things wrong here. First, and foremost, how can the CISA claim that this is the most secure election ever, when it's only been a few days since the voting stopped? There hasn't even been an investigation into the allegations of fraud -- some of the states aren't done counting yet. Second, this statement only addresses the ballot scanning machines themselves, not the people operating them. Let's see who some of the people who "administer elections" are.

I'm sure we can trust that Katie Hobbs, Arizona Secretary of State, was in no way going to alter the election results. She believes that Trump's voting base is "Neo-Nazis." Is it hard to believe that she could have a bias towards Nazis? Is it also hard to believe that she might lie and cheat to save the world from Nazis?

Then there's this guy Joe Gloria. He want's to investigate fraud AFTER the election.

Another thing to consider is that these people happen to be in states that have contested elections. Funny how the states with little fraud claims don't have people like this charge?

But hey, to quote the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, "turn to elections officials as trusted voices as they administer elections."

There are people actively trying to steal this election. Like there have been in almost any election anywhere in the world. Knowing that voter/election fraud happens all over the world, why would we assume it didn't happen this time, on either side?

20% of people steal items when going through a self checkout line, but the Mainstream Media claims there's no evidence that any voter fraud occurred. Does anybody really believe that this was the first election anywhere that was fraud free? As Biden would say, "C'mon, man!?"

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