Archives for: September 2013
Another Future Loss For Republicans
09/23/13 19:50, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, On the web, History, Politics, Health Care
One thing we can agree on
I'm sure you've heard it said that the Left is playing Chess and the Right is playing Checkers. Well this is another one of those moments.
Let's go with what we know. The public is largely against Obamacare at this point.… more »
Obama Can't Help but Further Destabilize the Region
09/06/13 22:49, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, History, Politics, Strange_News
Obama Throwing Missile at Syria
Obama noted that there is a red line that Syria must not cross, or there will be enormous consequences.
On Syria, obviously this is a very tough issue. I have indicated repeatedly that President al-Assad has los… more »