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The "Real" October Surprise!

Permalink 05/25/12 16:53, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, In real life, On the web, Politics, Elections
Obama and Hillary

Of course I don't know the future, but I have a hunch about something. Obama is most likely going to loose with Joe Biden as his running mate. Biden is good for nothing but distracting attention away from Obama and issues that might harm him politically. Biden is not widely seen as a decision maker on any substantive level.

I believe that at the last minute, perhaps even after the Democratic Convention, Hillary Clinton will be selected as Obama's VP choice. I know that selecting a VP choice that late would go against tradition, but this is Obama we're talking about here. What respect has Obama shown for tradition so far? Obama's goal is to make new traditions not uphold old traditions.

I know other's have said this as well, but I think it might actually be a possibility here. Hillary could bring enough swing voters over to keep Obama in the White House.

Hillary could be a double edged sword. Hillary was looked upon as one of the chief decision makers during president Bill Clinton's time in office. She has a great advantage as well; she is constantly in the news, but has avoided most criticism so far. She will do better to stay out of the news and just be on the ticket maintaining whatever polling numbers she has now.

What is the likelihood of this? Who knows? I just don't think that Obama is going to have enough steam to overcome himself.

When it comes to Democrats the ends justify the means. As Bill Clinton said, "Loyalty doesn't exist in politics."

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