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The Life of Julia

Permalink 05/06/12 01:22, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Fun, In real life, On the web, Politics, Strange_News, Elections

I don't know how many of you have recently visited, the Obama Biden site, but it just keeps getting more and more bizarre. There is this strange "Life of Julia" add attempting to show how women are going to benefit from Obama's policies. I took snap shots of each part of the story to preserve it in all it's weirdness.

Obama's policies "help over her lifetime" and Mitt Romney's policies would "change her story". This implies that Mitt Romney would not help over her lifetime. A better question would be; should the president be doing anything to help one particular group of people? Pay attention to the usage of the word could.

This implies that if your kids don't enroll in the head start program they will not be ready to learn and succeed.

How does freezing spending equal cutting spending? Romney/Ryan are for extending existing tax rates. That is not a cut.

We must assume that Julia's parents are in an income bracket that qualifies her for a Pell Grant.

Health insurance plans, before Obama Care, required that children be covered until age 22 provided they were still in school. She's covered until 26 years of age under Obama Care, but that doesn't even apply in this example.

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act has to do with an increase in the statue of limitations when challenging an employer in court for pay discrimination. This example also assumes a little too much to be realistic. Julia is going to sue her employer while still in college over equal pay dispute?

Where is the proof that Ryan or Romney want to increase student loan interest? Who would propose that in an election year?

This is just silly. So women everywhere have been scared about their health up until the passage of Obama Care? Really?

All of these benefits are available now under Medicaid. As a matter of fact many women would quit their jobs to apply for Medicaid and have the government subsidize the cost of child birth. Coverage is not a problem if people are gaming the current system because of its great level of coverage.

Funding is not what makes schools improve. If any country in the world proves that, it's the U.S.

Again these types of programs are already in existence. There is nothing new here.

Medicare will end as we know it anyway because it's not sustainable.

Correct Julia's benefits could be cut by 40%, but she would be able to invest that 40% how she sees fit. This could allow for a much greater return on investment when compared to Social Security.

That's right ladies, you would get nowhere without Obama!

From this I must conclude that Obama doesn't care about men. Above is a list of all of the groups the administration considered important enough, but not men.

What amazes me is the extent to which leftists will inflate themselves. If you were to actually buy into the Julia story; you would have to believe that Julia owes the majority of good things in her life to Obama and his policies. This is just so bizarre.

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