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So, Florida, Who to Vote For?

After reading quite a bit on both candidates and paying attention to who the MSM (Main Stream Media) is attacking. I think there are a few things at play here.
I think that most of the political analysts are hit with something they were never taught about in school. There is a huge swing in polling between Florida and South Carolina. Newt won SC but it looks like he might loose FL. Why? I don't know for sure. All of the same attack ads used now in FL were there in SC, but the outcome was different.
This I do know. There has never been (in modern history) a situation where people were truthfully scared for the country; not like now. I think that Republican voters know that Obama must go. Not because of partisan differences or whatever the media likes to call it. But because Republican voters sense that there is something wrong and that the nation might not recover from four more years of Obama.
Gingrich has the most attacks so far amongst any of the candidates. Romney is still left alone and that worries me. I want a candidate who is despised by the Obama camp. The left and the MSM will only act if they think that a candidate is a threat to their agenda, it only makes sense. Look what happened to Herman Cain.
The attacks on Newt Gingrich by former Reagan administration officials seems a little fishy to me also. Do these former officials keep such close ties with each other that they can all come out at the same time with damaging stories? What jogged their collective memory? It seems that they where incorrect in their portrayal of Gingrich.
“It does no one -- least of all Elliott Abrams or Governor Romney -- any good to try and say that Newt Gingrich, as loyal a friend and ally to Ronald Reagan as could be found in the day -- was somehow some crazed anti-Reaganite who got the Cold War wrong. Not only is this not true, its laughably untrue,” writes Lord in today’s American Spectator.
Abrams, Lord writes, was surely hoping no one would bother to “get into the weeds” and uncover the full record of what Gingrich said in 1986. But someone, a former Gingrich foreign policy staffer who now works in private industry, did, tracking down the Congressional Record for that year.
The record shows that Gingrich said of Reagan in a floor speech on March 21, 1986:
"Let me be clear: I have the greatest respect for President Reagan. I think he personally understands the threat of communism."
Gingrich, writes Lord, went on to praise Reagan for his understanding of Vladimir Lenin and applaud Reagan for understanding the threat posed by the Soviet empire and by Nicaragua, where $1 billion in assistance from Moscow fueled a Marxist revolution.
“The Newt Gingrich who spoke on the floor of the House on March 21, 1986, was thoroughly pro-Reagan, honestly engaging in a serious intellectual effort to assess the strengths and weaknesses of American foreign policy in the day from a hierarchy of vision, strategy, operations or projects and then, last but not least, tactics,” wrote Lord.
Lord calls Abrams’ criticism of Gingrich, published in a National Review Online article on Thursday, “shameful.”
In the end the vote is up to you and me. Just remember, things aren't always what they seem. These people are trying to convince others that Gingrich was anti-Reagan when he obviously was not. This is much worse than any corny attack add.
This proves that Gingrich is not the establishment candidate, and that establishment republicans are worried that Gingrich might call them out if elected. In my opinion establishment Republicans should be called out and voted out of office. Getting rid of the moderate Republicans is just as important as defeating the Democrats.
Now is not the time for moderates! Now is the time for Conservatives.
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