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Can Newt Gingrich Sing It and Bring It?

Permalink 01/24/12 20:19, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, Politics, U.S. Economy, Elections

The MSM (Main Stream Media) might be a better judge of the "pulse of the people" as they say. Gingrich has been under attack by the MSM for quite some time now. He was asked about his ex-wife's accusations at a presidential debate. Juan Williams hit him with a racially charged question. He handled those attacks well, and made the attacker look foolish in the process. Gingrich isn't scared to say what he thinks, which lately has been what a majority of Conservatives have been thinking.

When the MSM finds a target there is usually a reason for it. I believe that Gingrich represents a much greater threat to Obama's second term than does Romney. Why you might ask? Because Gingrich is the only current candidate who can fluently articulate Conservatism. Romney is "too nice" and the Obama camp knows it. When the "too nice" guy gets angry it turns off the people who were on board because of his niceness. Calmness isn't always a sign of confidence; sometimes it's a mechanism to deflect stress.

Romney has a problem that I believe he cannot overcome. Romney sounds like he is reading from a teleprompter --even when he is not. Romney has that kind of used-car-salesman fakeness about him. Romney seems the same no matter the circumstance. Angry or happy; there seems to be little discernible difference. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against whoever the candidate might be, I just think that Romney will have a hard time taking on the left when in full power mode. To this day the MSM has given Romney a pass. That's a bad sign for Romney and I think people are starting to catch on to that.

Gingrich, while definitely not anyone's favorite seems to be the best choice for the time being. At least that's what I take from the debates.

What scares me is that Obama might just choose not to debate; regardless of who the Republican nominee is. In that case all bets are off. I don't know how well the Republican candidate is going to get the message across when nearly the entire MSM is backing Obama.

At the very least; maybe he can get Romney to stand up and swing instead of trying to be Ward Cleaver.

If you were wondering why nobody was cheering during the debate, here's why.

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