Archives for: October 2011
Comment of The Week 10-27-11
This comment was on the CBS Cleveland website.
Here is what the article looks like now; they have since corrected it. When I first viewed the article the spelling was still incorrect; I failed to get a screen shot fast enough...
It's funny… more »
Occupy (Fill In City Name Here)
What does all of this really mean? Well there are a few ways to look at it. From what I can tell from the stories I have read; most of the people going to the "Occupy whatever" protests are not really sure what they are for or against.
Take note of h… more »
Could This Be One of The Democrat's Voter Turnout Schemes?

Is it possible that this is one of the Democrat's voter scams?
ATLANTA - So far, no one has proven it's a scam, but they haven't proven it's for real either.
This week more than 700 senior citizens filled out a rather skimpy form promising a… more »