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Obama: It's The Fault of Congress/Republicans That We're In This Economic Mess

Permalink 08/21/11 10:05, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, On the web, Politics, Stimulus Spending, U.S. Economy

According to Obama, the Republicans in Congress are the reason that we are in this mess. Obama is hopeful that the American people have a very short memory and won't pin the blame where it belongs.

Speaking in the key election state of Iowa, Democrat Obama portrayed Republicans as blocking progress on the economy.

"We could do even more if Congress is willing to get in the game," he said in Peosta, Iowa, referring to job creation measures he is pushing for in free trade, payroll taxes and road construction.

"The only thing that is holding us back is our politics. The only thing that is preventing us from passing the bills I just mentioned is the refusal of a faction in Congress to put country ahead of party, and that has to stop," Obama said. "Our economy can't afford it."

"America is going to come back from this recession stronger than before, that I'm convinced of, I believe that," Obama said to applause. "And I'm also convinced that comeback isn't going to be driven by Washington."

Let me get this straight. We, as a country, are going to recover and bounce back stronger than before. The only thing holding us back is politics/Republicans. All we have to do is pass some bills. But, "...that comeback isn't going to be driven by Washington"?

If the comeback isn't going to be driven by Washington, how can Washington magically fix it?

Besides being incoherent; I can't believe that anyone would actually buy in to this considering what Obama said in reference to the percentage of his personal accomplishments he has achieved.

Rolling Stone 10-28-2010
- Obama

You look at all this, and you say, "Folks, that's what you elected me to do." I keep in my pocket a checklist of the promises I made during the campaign, and here I am, halfway through my first term, and we've probably accomplished 70 percent of the things that we said we were going to do — and by the way, I've got two years left to finish the rest of the list, at minimum. So I think that it is very important for Democrats to take pride in what we've accomplished.

All that has taken place against a backdrop in which, because of the financial crisis, we've seen an increase in poverty, and an increase in unemployment, and people's wages and incomes have stagnated. So it's not surprising that a lot of folks out there don't feel like these victories have had an impact. What is also true is our two biggest pieces of legislation, health care and financial regulatory reform, won't take effect right away, so ordinary folks won't see the impact of a lot of these things for another couple of years. It is very important for progressives to understand that just on the domestic side, we've accomplished a huge amount.

Obama said the impact of his two biggest pieces of legislation won't be seen for another couple of years. It's not quite been one year since the interview. Obama is blaming the Republicans for the weakened economy before his own economic efforts are set to bear fruit. Remember the two year timeline was set by Obama himself.

Obama has a predictable pattern of blaming everything negative on the other party. If the economy was already doing poorly a little less than one year ago; how is it the Republicans fault now? The Republicans didn't control a majority in the House until the November elections last year. The Rolling Stone interview was in October of last year.

Unless the Republicans have a time machine and are trying to confuse Obama "Terminator Style" none of what he has claimed makes any sense.

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