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Anarchy in The UK! The Sex Pistols Are Yet to Claim Responsibility

Permalink 08/09/11 16:48, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, Strange_News

There are riots in the UK causing quite a bit of "disorder". The interesting part is when a few of the looters were questioned by the BBC's Leana Hosea.

Two girls who took part in Monday night's riots in Croydon have boasted that they were showing police and "the rich" that "we can do what we want".

The pair who were drinking wine looted from a local shop at 09:30 BST on Tuesday morning, spoke to the BBC's Leana Hosea.

I don't know about you but I've never had an issue with someone who is "rich" stopping me from doing anything and the police (if stopping people) are usually preventing unlawful activity. I'm not quite catching on to what it is that they have a problem with. Who are these rich people telling them what they can and can't do? What exactly are the police stopping them from doing?

In the video the two women go on to say...

PROTESTERS: Its the government's fault...Conservatives. It's not even a riot. It's showing the police we can do what we want. That's what it's all about. it's about showing the police we can do what we want and now we have.

BBC: Do you reckon it will go on tonight?

PROTESTERS: Definitely...hopefully.

BBC: But these are like local people. Why are you targeting local people...your own people?

PROTESTERS: It's the rich people. It's the people who have businesses and that's why all of this has happened, because of the rich people.

There are plenty of people with businesses that aren't rich. I think the answer is that the "rich" people are not giving away their property and the police are trying to keep looters from taking it.

This is what happens when the government educates children and tells them that they are "owed" certain things. Once someone starts believing that it's OK for the government to take from some to give to others; it's not long before the recipients start taking from others. It's the illogical nature of a nanny state --followed to its logical conclusion.

This reminds me of a 90s flick "SLC Punk".

To be an anarchist in Salt Lake City was certainly no easy task, especially in 1985. And having no money, no job, no plans for the future, the true anarchist position was in itself a strenuous job.

This scene is coming to a town near you sooner than you imagine.

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