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Sarah Palin is The Real Deal

Permalink 06/14/11 19:01, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, Background, History, Politics, Strange_News, U.S. Economy

Palin, I believe, is honest in her concern for the United States and wants to help put things back in order.

Recently there has been a ridiculous media blitz trying to find something that Palin has said, or emailed that might be used against her. A few newspapers actually solicited their readers in helping to pour through more than 24,000 emails made by Palin while she was governor of Alaska. The hope was to find something provocative or damaging in the emails.

To believe that Palin would have made inappropriate emails, you would have to believe that she is a fraud and doesn't believe what she says. This, of course, gets into the psychology of the people who want to bring her down.

People have a tendency to project themselves onto others to some extent. Take Obama voters for example. There is a very brilliant article here which explains this behavior to a fine point. Most Obama voters convinced themselves that Obama really stood for the best of whatever they themselves stood for. This projection can also work the other way. The people who were pouring through the Palin emails had to believe that she was dishonest like they are. Why else would they go through the emails expecting to find something? Why else would they put their credibility on the line if they didn't think the odds were in their favor?

By scouring 24,000 emails and coming up with nothing damaging; Sara Palin is now more effective than ever. The search for dirt has in-turn polished Sara Palin's image.

I hope that Palin knows she is most effective from the outside of any campaign. She's an interesting case. Most people I've spoken to agree nearly 100% with what Palin says, but when I ask them if she should run for president they often say, "...I like her, but I don't think she can win". People can sense that she is honest which makes it easier for them to trust her judgement --they know that she actually believes what she says.

I personally think that Sara Palin is most effective as an outside force whose endorsement holds incredible political value. If Palin does run on a presidential ticket, she would have to overcome all of the negative press she received while on the McCain ticket.

Don't get me wrong. If it were a race between Sara Palin and Obama, I would vote for Palin without a second thought.

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