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All This Talk of Civility Makes Me Angry

Permalink 01/18/11 15:08, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics

There are many on the left who are using the Tucson shooting as an opening to debate civility in political discourse. The only problem is that there is no political connection to the shooting. Jared Loughner is obviously mentally ill, he didn’t' commit mass murder with any particular political ideology in mind. That being said there are other problems with this this ridiculous civility debate.

There have been many polls since the November elections. These polls seem to show that there is growing discontent amongst Americans when it comes to partisan politics. I don't buy it. If Americans were simple disgusted with partisan politics there wouldn't have been landslide Republican victories. It's obvious by the election results that there was growing discontent for the way things are conducted in Washington. This opposition had little if nothing to do with political affiliation, but more to do with accountability. Washington ignored the will of the people multiple times. Some were even rude and arrogant about it.

I look at it like this. I'm going to use an auto repair shop as an analogy here. If you took your car in for repair and found out that two of the mechanics working on your car didn't get along too well, would you really care? If you take your car to the shop you want to get it fixed right? Does it really worry you that two of the employees don't get along? Of course not. You might be worried that you are going to get swindled, but that has nothing to do with shop squabbles. As a matter fact you might never know that there are any problems between employees at all.

I look at politics the same way. Most people I have spoken with are not worried about Democrats and Republicans getting along. As a matter of fact most people don't even know what's going on in Washington. Most people would assume that the people who are sent to Washington have American's best interest in mind, but that's not always the case. When it becomes evident that politicians are making decisions based on something other than their constituent's best interest; you have elections like the one in November.

All the noise coming from the news media is just that, noise. There never really was any debate about political discourse amongst the American people. They just went out on election day and voted for those who seemed the most likely to represent their beliefs.

Those on the left can't seem to come to grips with this, so they have to fabricate some irrelevant debate in an obvious attempt to silence their opposition. Have you heard any mention of “Progressive Talk Radio” or any progressive / liberal media outlet in the "debate"?

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