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You're The "Baddies" We're The "Goodies!"

Permalink 10/19/10 23:36, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, Fun, On the web, History, Politics, Strange_News, U.S. Economy

Anyone who has watched the British comedy "Coupling" would understand what is happening here. In one episode Sally, a liberal character, says that the (conservative) Tories are the establishment party. Patrick, the conservative character points out that the leftists are currently in power, so they (the leftists) are the establishment.

Sally replies, "No! You’re not the goodies, we’re the goodies! We’re lefties!! We’re always goodies!"

I never thought I would see this played out in real life, much less by a U.S. president.

“We need you fired up,” Obama told a crowd estimated by police to be roughly 35,000 on the campus of Ohio State University. “You can defy the conventional wisdom.”

Obama said the election on Nov. 2 was “a contest between our deepest hopes and our deepest fears.”

“And the other side is playing on fear. That’s what they do.”

Obama, turning again to his attacks on millions of dollars in campaign ads run by independent groups that do not under law have to disclose their donors, referred to special interests as an “empire.”

“The empire is striking back,” he said.

How can the establishment party call anyone else "The Empire"?

Can somebody clearly define a "special interest group"? Vague language, such as "special interests", is one of the reasons we have such a confused public. There are too many straw men out there.

Obama has blamed everyone and everything for his declining poll numbers. Is it possible that his policies have something to do with it? How many democrats are running on their stimulus plan votes or their votes for the health care bill?

Just run on substance Mr. President. Whining because people are working against your policy is not substance.

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