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Kids from the World Wildlife Fund are Creepy

Permalink 11/15/09 09:19, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Fun, In real life, On the web, Politics

Rush Limbaugh has created his own video to counter the creepy kids from the World Wildlife Fund. This stuff is great!

Please Obama, save us! What a crock! All of the points raised by the kids in the WWF video involve the U.S. paying for everything --here and abroad. One kid raises the question, " why would the United States stand in everybody eles's way?" How exactly are we standing in the way of any other country? Most of the countries mentioned in the WWF video are countries who complain about U.S. foreign policy; they want the U.S. out of their business. But if we are going to give them money, and build "green" systems for them, they are --all of a sudden-- going to be receptive to our policies?

The people behind the WWF are rubes. These are the kind of people who would fall for a phishing scam. Sure you have rich relatives in Russia. They are just waiting to give you money, just send them your bank account number, oh and don't for get the routing number.

I wonder what these kids are going to think in ten or fifteen years, when there has been no climate disaster?

Remember the same kind of warnings were given in the 1970s.

I must also mention that China, who leads the world in power sector carbon emissions, is not "required" to do anything per the Kyoto Protocol. China entered the agreement as a developing nation. China has absolutely no commitment to reducing carbon emissions. If you ask my they're smart. Because China is listed as a developing nation, they can get money from the World Monetary Fund to upgrade their power infrastructure.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kong Quan's Comment on the Entry into Force of the Kyoto Protocol Take a peek...

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1 comment

Comment from: Greg [Visitor]
GregOf course this is against the U.S. and pro-China. The Global Elites do not want the model for world power to the U.S., whose Constitution is built upon God-given liberties and rights. They want China to be the example of world power, who murders millions of its own people for the sake of Communist conquest, where THE STATE = god and those who run it, by inference, become "gods."

Again, this has absolutely nothing to do with any concern for the environment. This is all about the continued looting the U.S. Treasury so the Global Bankers can enrich themselves, dictate who lives or dies, and control everything.
12/07/09 @ 13:03

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