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What Ever Happened to World History?
Many people remember history class and don't have fond memories of it. I didn't like history when I was in school. History class always consisted of remembering dates. I had teachers who were only interested in dates. That's one of the reasons that I didn't like history, it made for a boring subject, because it was simply memorizing dates and events. There was no substance to it.
It wasn't until I was older that I realized what had happened. When I read about a historical events on my own, I found that I had missed a lot while I was in school not because I didn't pay attention, but because it was never presented to me.
When taught about WWII, there was no mention of the past historical events that lead up to the war. We just jumped right in, here are the countries and here are some dates. It was like showing up to a movie 30 minutes late. Characterization and some background had already taken place before you arrived. That characterization, and background is exactly what was missing from the history I was taught.
One can't delve into WWII without examining hundreds of years of history. Now, I know that the school curriculum is limited time-wise, but there could have been much more informative sessions as to why specific events occurred.
I don't think that this, watering down of history, happened by accident. I feel that in order for what is taking place right now in the U.S. to occur, history had to have been "nipped in the bud." This is why many older Americans are worried about the future of the country. The younger Americans have no historical perspective on which to base their decisions That's why so many younger Americans get swept up in idiocy.
Remember the post I did about Reagan and Operation Coffee Cup Coffee Cup? Reagan warned of exactly what is happening to our country right now.
There were many memorable quotes in that recording. One of those quotes applies to current times. Reagan quoted Norman Thomas, a six-time U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.
"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." -Norman Thomas
What I have seen is that people from other countries have a better since of what is going on in the U.S. Take for example this article from PRAVDA On-line (a Russian news publication).
This is a brilliant article by Stanislav Mishin.
"American capitalism gone with a whimper"
Read it, and research it. You will find that Mishin is 100% correct.
When it comes to politics in America, most of the general electorate is disinterested. We have to change this if the United States is going to survive as it was envisioned.
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We could rehash many of the major events in which this diabolically evil plan for Socialistic Global Slavery reared its ugly head to where the "wee-masses" could catch a glimpse of it. For instance, in no particular order, there's Woodrow Wilson's 1913 Federal Reserve Act, the decoupling of U.S. currency from gold, the progressive tax adopted by T. Roosevelt, the "New Deal" by FDR, NAFTA, League of Nation, the U.N., Rockefeller's "Bilderberg Group/Tri-Lateral Commission/Council On Foreign Relations, etc ...
However, we have touched upon all of these elements in this blog in one form or another already.
A better question at his time may be "Is this inevitable?" The Mishin article pretty much made it sound like a "done deal." And if this (the Socialistic/Marxist Takeover Of Everything), how do we respond to it?
How about your assertion that "we have to change this if the United States is going to survive as it was envisioned": Can America, in essense, be "saved?" Is the defeat of American capitalism, freedoms and liberty, a "done deal?"
How we answer that question determines how we respond to these issues that face our nation.
Personally, I believe there is still time to turn the tide in America. The Anti-Christ One World Government and its subsequent One World Currency ("mark of the beast" without which no one could "buy or sell") is demanded by Biblical Prophecy as the pre-cursor to the Second Coming of Christ. It WILL happen (both the Anti-Christ regime AND the Second Coming).
The question at this point is: WHEN? To which the answer is: "It's none of our business." However, we are given the framework that "you will know the time is near when you see these signs occurring." These "signs" are what is going on with ISRAEL. Keep your eyes on ISRAEL. That is where Christ returns, and not before certain conditions are met (like the Temple being rebuilt so that the Anti-Christ can desecrate it and be worshipped as "god" in it).
In short (huh! blew that long ago), there is still some time--perhaps a generation--for America to be that "shining city on a hill"--if only for just one more time. We still have the Constitutional authority to take back our government from the radical Marxists that control it.
In essense, the real question is: will Americans do the right thing? Is America still "good," i.e., "righteous," so that America can still be "great?"

One concept I became aware of though viewing The Truth Project (find a group at thetruthproject.org) is historical revisionism. Basically, when history IS presented, parts of it are omitted or changed. Those who read this "new" history will reach a different conclusion about what happened and why.
What if we stopped teaching our kids about slavery in the U.S.? Maybe we just told them instead that people were simply brought here and paid for their services? Why teach about and risk perpetuating things we know are wrong? MAYBE SO IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! We must tell our history with complete accuracy, or it was all for naught!

What if we stopped teaching our kids about slavery in the U.S.? Maybe we just told them instead that people were simply brought here and paid for their services? Why teach about and risk perpetuating things we know are wrong? MAYBE SO IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! We must tell our history with complete accuracy, or it was all for naught!
This is true. American history is often taught from a ridiculous standpoint. I remember when we were learning in high school about the history of the United States. There was plenty taught about The Declaration of Independence, but little was taught as to why anyone would want to create a new country. Perhaps this would have been too "anti-British," in some fools eyes. Either way, the details were missing. How come there was little taught about the writings of the founding fathers? The writings of the people who envisioned this country would be the best place to learn about its founding. This is, in large part, why you have people running around talking about government "making things fair." This can only happen if one of two things are true; either the "make things fair" people were never taught about the founding of this country, or they were and completely disagree with it. I think they were never taught about it in the first place. To teach true American history would be politically incorrect.

We still have the Constitutional authority to take back our government from the radical Marxists that control it.
At least for now we do. The question is, will we when the time comes to take back our government?
Will there be a voting czar next?

The RNC has sold out far too many times and can not be trusted, either. What is required is the people of America to be involved. It really does not matter who gets elected. If the American people simply stand for righteousness, and therefore, God-centered government, no one elected to office will be able to survive long against the wrath of a righteous electorate.
In short, when the righteous rule, the people rejoice. When the evil rule, the people perish--as we are witnessing today. In the American model, for the "righteous to rule," the American PEOPLE must take their civic duties seriously and vote in--not just good-sounding people--but righteous people.
Will this happen in an age with Satan has confused our age? "Political correctness," "multi-culturalism," etc ... are all designed to harpoon truth-seeking and replace it with censorship and thought-control. The Liberal Socialists, like Obama, can not stand the light of scrutiny and truth. Therefore, they must silence truth-seekers and those who ask questions.
Lovers of truth must live do the opposite. Christ said, "To him who overcomes [takes action/take responsibility for their wicked ways] and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations—" (Revelation 2:26).
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