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"Cash for Clunkers" If they are NOT clunkers, THEY WILL BE!
This is ridiculous. You would think that this was just some guys having fun right? Well, this is actually what they are told to do by the government. Disable the cars that were traded in as part of the Cash for Clunkers Program. Of course the government didn't tell them to run the engine until it is damaged, but what is the difference? Dealers are ordered to disable the vehicles then sell them as scrap, from there they are to be crushed. The cars are not even to be used for parts!
I wonder what is going to happen to the low-end used car market? There are a lot of people out there who need and could use a $2,000 car to get to work. I was one of them just a few years ago. Now the used car market is going to consist of much higher priced cars, leaving those looking for a cheap vehicle with little hope of finding one.
I hope more people see this video, and understand what a ridiculous idea the Cash for Clunkers Program really is. The program was launched under the guise of helping the environment. If that were the case, why would the program limit your purchase to only new cars. If the customer could find a much more efficient used car, why not allow the rebate to apply there? Oh yeah, the program is supposed to help the auto manufacturers -- not the environment.
Just wait until the numbers come out, and we find that more foreign cars were sold than American cars. Remember the American car market was hurting before anything bad happened economically (2008). It only makes sense that the pattern will continue. Also, there are those people who don't want to purchase a vehicle from a company which is now primarily government owned, like General Motors.
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Just look at the credit markets and what the government did via Fannie Mae. The risk tensions required to keep lenders in check were removed once the government (through pressure from then-ACORN lawyers like Obama) pressured government-run Fannie Mae to guarentee "fly-in-the-face-of-lending-policy" sub-prime loans. Now the taxpayer is paying for it, as always.
If this were all accidents or ignorance, once in a while the socialists conspirin to destroy our country would occassionally make a mistake on our (the U.S. taxpayers) favor. But it NEVER happens that way.
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