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Just a thought...

Permalink 06/11/09 15:10, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web

I was thinking the other day; if there were some way to raise awareness, as to the impact of taxes on gasoline prices. I have come up with an answer.

Wouldn’t it be nice if instead of only seeing the total cost of the fuel with tax included; we could see the tax and the cost of the fuel separate. Have the pump show the amount of fuel being pumped, cost of fuel, and added taxes.

If you think about it; the receipts for items you purchase will list some embedded taxes. Gas receipts don't show any added tax, even the sales tax is hidden.

Most people only pay attention to how much money they take home after taxes. Perhaps if gas pumps would give some indication of where the total cost is derived; more people will pay attention to how much money they are spending on taxes. I think showing the taxes would open the eyes of many people.

Just a thought...

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1 comment

Comment from: Jeffery Bradberry [Visitor]
Jeffery BradberryI like it. It would be in line with the "transparency" we're striving for.

We should also get them to change all the "May contain up to 10% ethanol" signs to read "Contains the minimum amount of gasoline required by law." ;-)
06/11/09 @ 17:27

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