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Are our children's tax dollars well spent?

Permalink 04/16/09 13:43, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web

It is known fact that when a spouse dies, the debt is transferred to the living spouse. It is a little known fact that when an individual's last parent dies, he or she has no obligation to pay the debt of the deceased parent. This is not the case when it comes to government.

Today the United States Government is spending money / wealth that has not yet been created. This new debt exists as a societal debt collected in the form of taxes. This is not the normal debt most people are used to. The government is asking it's citizens to pay for "the sins of the father", so to speak.

This creates quite a problem. Who can guarantee how much wealth will be created? How are the creditors going to collect this debt? What are the economic ramifications of this debt?

It seems that very few of our elected officials have much of a grasp as to what it means to assume such debt. By all estimates we will have children who are born in debt. This has happened for a number of years now, but not to such a massive extent. We have children who are obligated to pay debt; which they did not incur.

There are now limits placed on children that did not exist for prior generations. In America is was a largely held belief; to work hard so your children will be "better off" than you were. This current generation is making sure that the following generations are limited through massive debt. This debt will not benefit The United States, or it's people.

The reasons given for spending such large amounts of money do not coincide with the outcome. The government is asking us to believe that by spending money now, we can repair the current "broken" system. There is no specificity offered as to what the problem is with the current system. There is no concise explanation of how spending will lead to future prosperity. There is no time line given in which the American people can gauge progress. This lack of specificity is used to allow the government to make arbitrary decisions in an unquestionable manor. When no reason is given for action, there can be no disagreement. This limiting of debate is no coincidence. Freedoms are almost always taken from individuals on an arbitrary basis. Many countries have followed this path, and the outcomes were less than desirable.

The American people need to heed the warnings of history.

Check out my last post on Sean Hannity's forum.

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I believe that for the United States of America to survive, we will have to get back to our roots.


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