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Obama’s Second Prime Time Speech…

One of the most important parts of the speech was MISSED by every news outlet that I know of…
I've said that we've got to have a serious energy policy that frees ourselves from dependence on foreign oil and makes clean energy the profitable kind of energy."
In this statement Obama admits that clean energy is NOT CURRENTLY PROFITABLE.
Does this mean that the Cap-and-Trade initiative is going to cause conventional energy prices to go up? The answer is YES Cap-and-Trade will cause conventional energy prices to spike at a ridiculous rate. It's like cigarettes, you tax it out of existence. It's o.k. though, now cigar prices are competitive with cigarette prices. The tax on cigarettes has not decreased the number of smokers, it will just curb what they are smoking. When it comes to power; people don't have the option to quit, we just have to pay higher energy prices. I thought Obama was looking out for the little guy here.
There are a few other things that most people heard, but didn't notice. One of the most interesting things I noticed was Obama’s use of the word SPEND. You will notice that SPEND is used as a negative term. While INVEST is used as a positive term.
Here are some of the examples of Obama’s use of the word SPEND.
But given the problems that the financial bailout program has had so far -- banks not wanting to talk about how they're spending the money, the AIG bonuses that you mentioned -- why do you think the public should sign on for another new sweeping authority for the government to take over companies, essentially?
And -- and so what we're trying to emphasize is, let's make sure that we're making the investments that we need to grow to meet those growth targets, at the same time we're still reducing the deficit by a couple of trillion dollars, we are cutting out wasteful spending in areas like Medicare, we're changing procurement practices when it comes to the Pentagon budget, we are looking at social service programs and education programs that don't work and eliminate them.
Now observe Obama’s use of the word INVEST.
It's with a budget that leads to broad economic growth by moving from an era of borrow and spend to one where we save and invest.
We invest in reform that will bring down the cost of health care for families, businesses and our government.
But it is -- it is going to be an impossible task for us to balance our budget if we're not taking on rising health care costs, and it's going to be an impossible task to balance our budget or even approximate it if we are not boosting our growth rates. And -- and that's why our budget focuses on the investments we need to make that happen.
And so what we've said is, look, let's invest in health information technologies.
See the difference? The truth, on the other hand, is the only way for any government to “invest” is to spend money. Funny how that works, isn’t it? We are currently borrowing and spending. Show me where the government is saving anything!
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