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Barack Obama's Teleprompter's Blog

Permalink 03/20/09 18:18, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web

It's evident that Obama is incapable of speaking without the teleprompter. So far without the teleprompter he has made an ass out of himself. His latest gaff, exemplified on the Tonight Show, with Jay Leno. While on the Tonight Show Obama likened his bowling skills to that of the Special Olympics.

"I bowled a 129," he told Leno.

"That's very good, Mr. President," Leno said sarcastically.

But then came the foot-in-mouth moment: "It's like the Special Olympics or something," the president said.

If only the teleprompter were there. Now the teleprompter has a chance to voice it's own opinion!

This is brilliant, I love it!

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