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« Obama's first Address to Congress, and the Nation.Mexicans "Virtually" Out-Smarted. »

Obama to address the nation tonight...

Permalink 02/24/09 09:47, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: News, In real life, On the web

I know that most people won't be listening :lalala:, but perhaps you should!

My guess, and this is only a guess, is that Obama is going to mention how the stimulus package is the start of a “comprehensive approach” to solving this current "crisis".

Next he will go on about how the only way for this plan to work is if we overhaul (socialize) health care. He will move from that to explain that the current housing "crisis" can only be dealt with by the government buying up bad loans. From there he will touch on foreign affairs, perhaps mentioning that we have to make sure that our currency isn’t devalued too much, because we will loose our credibility with the rest of the world.

To conclude my guess is that Obama is going to lay the groundwork for a much larger role for government in our lives, and in the market. Which if you notice the market is no long responding to "market forces" the market is hanging on the word of some government official! Sounds a little to me like the start of a (not so) beautiful Command Economy.

I will provide a transcript of his speech later tonight after it happens.

1 comment

Comment from: CopperheadLXXIX [Visitor]
CopperheadLXXIXI won't be listening because I already know that porkulus is a piece of shit and what Obama says will be pretty but meaningless drivel.
You should post next on Obama's sudden change of heart when it comes to wire tapping. I wonder when the outrage from the left will start on that one? Oh yeah, Obama is doing it, so suddenly it's OK.
02/24/09 @ 11:45

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