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Obama agrees with Bush on detainees?

Wow Obama can pedal backwards almost as fast as he can get ridiculous legislation passed.
In a two-sentence court filing, department lawyers said the Obama administration agreed that detainees at Bagram Air Base cannot use U.S. courts to challenge their detentions. The filing shocked human rights attorneys.
After Obama took office, a federal judge in Washington gave the new administration a month to decide whether it wanted to stand by Bush's legal argument. Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd says the filing speaks for itself.
"They've now embraced the Bush policy that you can create prisons outside the law," said Jonathan Hafetz, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union who has represented several detainees.
Well that's not going to sit well with the left. Change you can believe in? What's stranger is how he looked at this issue before he had someone open his eyes. The following was said just 19 days ago.
"Can we guarantee that they're not going to try to participate in another attack? No," Obama said in an NBC interview that aired today.
"But what I can guarantee is that if we don't uphold our Constitution and our values, that over time that will make us less safe. And that will be a recruitment tool for organizations like al-Qaeda.""Is it going to be easy?" Obama said in the interview. "No, because we've got a couple hundred of hard-core militants that, unfortunately, because of ... problems that we had previously in gathering evidence, we may not be able to try in ordinary courts but we don't want to release."
"I have to make the very best judgments I can make in terms of what's going to keep the American people safe and ... what's going to uphold our Constitution and our traditions of due process," he said. "And what I'm convinced of is [that] we can balance those interests in a way that makes all of us proud, but also assures that we're not attacked."
So the best way to keep the American people safe, while at the same time, uphold the Constitution; is to JUST DO WHAT BUSH DID! Is it just me? I remember everyone on the Obama bandwagon criticizing Bush the entire time he was in office for his methods of dealing with the detainees. How quickly people forget. I wonder why this hasn't received much press?
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