Freedom is the Heart of Liberty!
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Let It Be Known: The following senators should never again hold office!

Permalink 02/07/09 10:18, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: News

Take a very close look at these three people. These three people are the ones who are going to allow the largest transfer of freedoms (power) to the Federal Government in the history of the United States of America! To most this seems like no big deal. To most they don't understand what this bill will really do. To most they don't care either way. To those who love freedom, and understand what is at stake, this is a sad day...

Arlen Specter: Pennsylvania

Olympia Snow: Main

Susan Collins: Main

For all of the Obama supporters here is your CHANGE. Now those people don't have to move to Europe to get socialism, they can have it come to them.

Too many people today forget the old adage, "Your rights begin where someone else's rights end." Well with the passing of this bill everyone's rights are scaled back now! Check out the current version of the bill.

PDF file: Senate version of H.R. 1

The problems this bill will create are immediately evident. Let me break it down to the low-level.

The government has money because of taxes. The taxes are raised from people who produce. When the government spends money it does not yet have, that money in effect does not exist. That money is thought to exist in the future provided the economy functions properly. What this bill does is provide a path for money collected from profitable business to make it's way to the unprofitable business. In other words the government is using those businesses that run correctly to fund businesses that do not run effectively.

a three year old could figure this one out! The after effect is that all business is brought down to a lower level. Compound that with the fact that the government has promised money that it does not currently have.

So to conclude. The government is spending money not yet existent. It is believed that the money will be there in the future provided the economy functions properly. Meanwhile by spending the "not yet earned money" they are hurting the economy.

The United States Government now resembles a person who just quit their job, but is maxing out all of their credit cards!

I will provide a more in depth look at the bill later today...

Tell me what you think...

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Comment from: Rob [Visitor]
RobThey are all from states where Obama won, so they might as well just swtich parties to keep their offices. I think they may have been courting the people who voted for the O by siding with him. The 2 women are creepy-looking, yeah, Maine is about as liberal as you can get in the U.S., so they might as well switch parties. God knows the Reds won't have their backs when it comes to throwing re-election fundraisers.
02/17/09 @ 17:36
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesThe sad thing is that most of these Senators will win re-election. This is sad because it hastened the passing of the most insane legislation ever.
02/17/09 @ 22:21

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I believe that for the United States of America to survive, we will have to get back to our roots.


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